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Version 1.3

How are the Criteria Presented?

Criteria follow a typical write-up format that makes information easy to find.

Each criterion has a write-up that can be found in both the Browse and Score tools and contains the following information:

  • Title - Begins with two or three letters designating the module name (SPS for System Planning for States, SPR for System Planning for Regions, PD for Project Development, and OM for Operations and Maintenance) followed by a unique number.
  • Goal - Describes the overall intent of each criterion in a statement that reflects the larger concept.
  • Scorecard Graphic - Used in PD module only, the scorecard graphic indicates which of the static scorecards (Paving, Basic Rural, Basic Urban, Extended Rural, Extended Urban, or Recreational and Scenic) the criteria is included in.
  • Sustainability Linkage - Describes why each criterion is considered a sustainable best practice by describing how it impacts the triple bottom line principles (Social, Environmental, and Economic). Only benefits considered primary and secondary are described; tertiary and other ancillary benefits may be evident but are not included in this description.
  • Affected Triple Bottom Line Graphic - Through the use of colored rings, this graphic indicates how each criterion contributes to sustainability by indicating the primary and secondary impacts to the triple bottom line principles (Social, Environmental, and Economic).
  • Scoring Requirements - Provides minimal background information and details the requirements of scoring the criterion and the point breakdown structure.
  • Resources - Lists resources used in the criterion and may also include a list of additional resources that may be helpful in achieving the criterion.
  • Scoring Sources - This section lists the supporting documentation, such as calculations and reports, necessary to validate the score selected for each criterion. These sources may be recorded by using the "Scoring Notes" function or the "Upload Supporting Documents" function in the scoring web-tool. Since this is a self-evaluation tool, this information does not need to be provided to a 3rd party, but best practice would be to document scoring justification for future reference.

The following graphic shows the basic outline of the criteria write-ups and shows where to find key information.



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