Project Development Scorecard
Improve flow control and quality of stormwater runoff through use of permeable pavement technologies.
Sustainability Linkage

Permeable pavements primarily have environmental benefits to the natural and
built environment.
Background & Scoring Requirements
Using permeable pavement is a low-impact development technique that can be used as part of a roadway stormwater management plan.
For the purposes of this criterion, the key terms are defined as follows:
- “Permeable,” “porous” or “pervious” are used interchangeably to describe a pavement structural system that has more voids than a conventional paved surface such as concrete or asphalt. As a result, both infiltration and evaporation are allowed as water passes through the pavement section.
- “Permeable pavements” include, but are not limited to, porous asphalt pavement, pervious concrete pavement, or permeable block pavers.
- “Secondary pavement areas” shall include all pavements that are not intended for high speed traffic or heavy trucks. Appropriate uses would include parking lots, alleys, access roadways, sidewalks, bike lanes, multi-use paths, and shoulders. However shoulders planned for future trafficked uses through widening should be excluded (for example, shoulders to become mainline lanes or shoulders used for shoulder-running buses).
Scoring Requirements
Prerequisite PD-24.1P
0 points. Include Maintenance Plan
The project must include a maintenance plan for permeable pavements (or a design memo justifying why one is not necessary).
Prerequisite PD-24.2P
0 points. Exclude Sanded and Sealed Areas
Permeable pavements must not be placed in areas where sand may be used for snow and ice control or where the pavement will be sealed (during project or in the future).
Requirement PD-24.1
1-2 points. Permeable Pavement
One of the following scores may apply:
- 1 point. Use permeable pavement to treat at least 50% of the secondary pavement areas on the project.
- 2 points. Use permeable pavement to treat at least 75% of the secondary pavement areas on the project.
None referenced.
Case Studies & Criterion Examples
Arizona DOT - Using INVEST to Integrate Sustainability: The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) decided to use all three modules of INVEST – System Planning, Project Development, and Operations and Maintenance – to help the agency meet its sustainability goals across the transportation life cycle. ADOT used INVEST to integrate and advance existing sustainability efforts and to push forward new efforts. INVEST’s comprehensive sustainability framework and criteria helped ADOT institutionalize sustainability across the agency and with local partners through inclusion in manuals, trainings, and awards. This case study focuses on ADOT’s use of the Project Development module.
Scoring Sources
The project is considered to have met this criterion if the requirements above can be reasonably substantiated through the existence of one or more of the following documentation sources (or equal where not available):
- Contract documents.
- Technical memoranda or reports.