Criterion Details
OM-09 Maintenance Management System

Leverage a Maintenance Management System (MMS) to inventory, assess, analyze, plan, program, implement, and monitor maintenance activities to effectively and efficiently extend the life of the system, improve the service, and reduce the impacts to the human and natural environment.
Sustainability Linkage

Utilizing an MMS supports all of the triple bottom line principles by facilitating efficient and cost-effective decision-making, better leveraging funds, improving system quality and customer satisfaction, and more effectively maintaining assets, which reduces cost and the environmental impacts of construction and raw material use.
Background & Scoring Requirements
An MMS is a computerized database that is designed to integrate an agency’s asset management and maintenance management systems to optimize the management of maintenance. The MMS provides managers with processes, tools, and data necessary to make decisions to help maintenance staff do their jobs more effectively and to help management make informed decisions.
This criterion is largely based on AASHTO’s Guidelines for Maintenance Management Systems1 (GMMS). The following definitions from the GMMS apply:
- “Maintenance Management” – refers to all the actions that managers undertake in their daily responsibilities of overseeing the maintenance program.
- “Maintenance Management System” – the set of tools, technologies, and processes that help the manager make better decisions and manage more effectively.
Scoring Requirements
Requirement OM-09.1
1 or 2 points. Incorporate Key Elements of MMS
The agency has an MMS that includes, at a minimum, modules for:
- Planning, including asset inventory, maintenance activity guidelines, customer input, performance targets, and condition assessment.
- Programming and Budgeting, including performance-based budget analysis, annual work program, and annual budget.
- Resource Management, including resource needs analysis, staffing allocations, equipment management, and private contracting.
- Scheduling, including work needs identification, customer service program, and short-term work scheduling.
- Monitoring and Evaluation, including performance measures, work reporting, and management analysis
- Maintenance Support and Administration, including permit processing and tracking, Adopt-a-Highway program, risk management, and stockpile management.
One of the following scores applies:
- 0 points. The agency does not have an MMS or has an MMS that has less than three of the modules listed above.
- 1 point. The agency has an MMS that has three or four of the modules listed above.
- 2 points. The agency has an MMS that has five or six of the modules listed above.
Requirement OM-09.2
2 points. Integrate Vehicle-Based Technology
Leverage automated vehicle and connected vehicle technologies, such as GPS, weather information systems, surface temperature measuring devices, on-board freezing point and ice-presence detection systems, salinity measuring devices, visual and multi-spectral sensors, traffic speed, crash reporting, etc. to provide input information to the MMS and leverage MMS outputs to maintenance vehicles to optimize operations and maintenance activities.
Requirement OM-09.3
1-5 points. Integrated Maintenance Management System
The agency has an MMS that integrates, at a minimum, a Pavement Management System (PMS, see OM-07), a Bridge Management System (BMS, see OM-08), Road Maintenance Plan (RMP, see OM-10), and a Traffic Control Maintenance Plan (TCMP, see OM-11).
Points will be assigned for the integration of additional, specific features listed below (see GMMS for more definition). Scoring is based on the following, cumulative requirements:
- Requirement OM-09.3a
1 point. Roadway Inventory Systems
- Requirement OM-09.3b
1 point. Financial Management Systems
- Requirement OM-09.3c
1 point. Construction/Project Management Systems
- Requirement OM-09.3d
1 point. Equipment Management Systems
- Requirement OM-09.3e
1 point. Environmental Commitment Tracking System (see OM-02)
Requirement OM-09.4
3 points. Leverage MMS to Define Projects
The MMS ties into the agency’s PMS and BMS and exchanges information. That information is used to link pavement/bridge repair, preservation, and maintenance projects to adjacent maintenance needs (e.g., updating traffic safety devices and signage within the same project limits).
Requirement OM-09.5
2-3 points. Maintenance Quality Assurance
Maintenance Quality Assurance (MQA) is a process that uses quantitative quality indicators to assess the performance of maintenance programs. These programs are outcome-based and provide statistically valid, reliable, and repeatable measures of asset conditions.
Scoring is based on the following, cumulative requirements. The first requirement must be accomplished to earn the second.
- Requirement OM-09.5a
2 points. MQA Relates Maintenance to Performance
The agency has a MQA program that relates highway maintenance to highway performance.
- Requirement OM-09.5a
1 additional point. MQA Used to Understand Relationship between Costs and Outcomes
The MQA program is being used to help managers to understand maintenance conditions, set priorities, and document the relationship between costs and outcomes.
The following resources are referenced in this criterion and consolidated here:
- AASHTO, Guidelines for Maintenance Management Systems,
Case Studies & Criterion Examples
NOACA - Evaluation of Regional Safety Program Using INVEST: The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordination Agency (NOACA) is the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the Greater Cleveland area. NOACA used the INVEST self-assessment tool to evaluate its current Regional Safety Program (RSP), to identify improvements, and to identify where sustainability principles can be better incorporated. The ultimate goal was to improve the region’s sustainability by reducing fatal and serious injuries that negatively impact the social and economic principles through loss of life, injury and damages to personal and public property. Since 2008, NOACA has been actively analyzing crashes in the region and conducting road safety audits at various intersections. The Cleveland metropolitan region does not currently have an adopted goal or performance target related to transportation safety. To better focus efforts on reducing fatal and severe injury crashes in the Cleveland metro region, NOACA began revamping its Regional Safety Program (RSP) in the fall of 2013. To assist with the changes to the RSP, NOACA applied for an INVEST grant.
Arizona DOT - Using INVEST to Benefit Planning, Programming, and Maintenance in Arizona: Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has been a front-runner in utilizing and embedding INVEST throughout the full lifecycle of its transportation services, including administration, project planning, design, construction, and systems operations and maintenance. INVEST has also been a keystone in the development of the agency’s Sustainable Transportation Program. This case study focuses on ADOT’s use of the Operations and Maintenance (OM) module.
Arizona Department of Transportation Sustainable Transportation Program - OM-09: Using the INVEST OM module in 2015 and 2016, ADOT assessed the state of its operations and maintenance activities. In scoring criterion OM‐09, INVEST allowed ADOT to systematically assess the strengths and limitations of its maintenance management system (MMS). Stemming from the INVEST evaluation, ADOT identified ways the current MMS can be expanded and improved such as adding automated short‐term work scheduling and using the MMS to define projects and exchange information with the agency’s Pavement Management System (PMS) and Bridge Management System (BMS).
Scoring Sources
The program is considered to have met this criterion if the requirements above can be reasonably substantiated through the existence of one or more of the following documentation sources (or equal where not available):
- Existence and use of a MMS.
- Documentation of features and elements of the MMS.
- Documentation of MQA processes and procedures.