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Workspace > SP-07 Multimodal Transportation and Public Health

Criterion Details

SP-07 Multimodal Transportation and Public Health

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Expand travel choices and modal options by enhancing the extent and connectivity of multimodal infrastructure. Support and enhance public health by investing in active transportation modes.

Sustainability Linkage

Triple Bottom Line

A multimodal transportation network supports the social and economic triple bottom line principles by increasing transportation options, reducing traffic congestion and emissions, and encouraging the use of active modes to enhance public health.

Background & Scoring Requirements


The agency provides choices and opportunities for multimodal, active transportation networks while meeting access and mobility needs.

For the purpose of this criterion, the key terms are defined as follows:

  • “Multimodal” - Multimodal refers to a transportation system that provides travelers with well-connected and integrated bicycle, pedestrian, and transit networks, in addition to automobile infrastructure. Multimodal can also refer to the provision of travel options for inter-city passenger travel, such as rail, train, bus, or ferry as alternatives to air travel.
  • “Active transportation modes” - Active transportation modes refer to modes of transportation that increase levels of physical activity and are considered to primarily include biking, walking, and transit (Approximately 30% of transit users receive the CDC recommended amount of daily physical activity. Source: Besser, L. and A. Dannenberg, Walking to Public Transit: Steps to Help Meet Physical Activity Recommendations, American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 2005.)

In addition to many other widely used references, the following may be useful:

1. Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, July 2004.

2. Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 3rd Edition, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 1999.

3. Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, DC, March 2010at

4. A Resident’s Guide for Creating Safe and Walkable Communities, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, February 2008 at

5. Center for Disease Control: Transportation Recommendations at

6. The Hidden Health Costs of Transportation, American Public Health Association, February 10, 2010 at  

Scoring Requirements

To achieve points, the agency must demonstrate that it produces, monitors, and maintains an integrated multimodal transportation plan that emphasizes active modes. Points are awarded for this criterion based on the following requirements.

Requirement SP-07.1

1-2 points. Develop Goals and Objectives

Scoring for this requirement is based on the following, cumulative elements.

  • Requirement SP-07.1a

1 point. Develop Goals and Objectives for Enhancing Multimodal Infrastructure

The agency has developed goals and objectives for enhancing the extent and connectivity of multimodal infrastructure within its jurisdiction, including transit and non-motorized modes.

  • Requirement SP-07.1b

1 point. Develop Goals and Objectives Related to Transportation and Public Health

The agency has developed goals and objectives related to active transportation and the improvement of public health.

Requirement SP-07.2

2 points. Engage Stakeholders

The agency regularly engages public health and active mode stakeholders throughout the transportation planning process and incorporates their feedback into the creation of transportation planning documents. That is, successfully involve and interact with an institution or stakeholder early, often, and on an on-going basis throughout the planning process.

Requirement SP-07.3

1-5 points. Develop a System-wide Plan

The agency’s LRTP integrates multimodal and active mode infrastructure needs, projects, and programs. Scoring for this requirement is based on the following, cumulative elements. The first element must be accomplished to earn the second. The third element is independent.

  • Requirement SP-07.3a

1 point. Include Active, Non-Motorized Projects and Programs in Plan

The agency includes and prioritizes active, non-motorized transportation projects and programs as a component of the LRTP. Examples of projects include the expansion of transit, pedestrian, and bicycle infrastructure, facilities, and services. Examples of programs include the implementation of Safe Routes to School.

  • Requirement SP-07.3b

1 additional point. Integrate Transit, Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Roadway Networks

The agency’s LRTP integrates transit, pedestrian, bicycle, and roadway networks so that intermodal connections are safe and convenient.

  • Requirement SP-07.3c

3 points. Evaluate Health Impacts of the Plan
The agency has evaluated the health impacts of the LRTP to determine whether the planned transportation investments will help the agency to meet its public health and active transportation goals.

Requirement SP-07.4

1-6 points. Measure Progress and Demonstrate Sustainable Outcomes

The agency evaluates its progress toward meeting its multimodal and public health goals and makes adjustments as necessary. Scoring for this requirement is based on the following, cumulative elements.

  • Requirement SP-07.4a

1 point. Implement Investments that Expand Travel Choices and Support Public Health

The agency is implementing transportation investments that expand travel choices and modal options and support and enhance public health.

  • Requirement SP-07.4b

2 points. Incorporate Sustainable Peformance Measures

The agency has incorporated multimodal and public health-related performance measures into its LRTP and can demonstrate ongoing monitoring of its progress toward meeting its goals.

  • Requirement SP-07.4c

3 points. Measure Progress and Demonstrate Sustainable Outcomes.

The agency can document that it has met its multimodal transportation and public health goals and objectives.

Case Studies & Criterion Examples

NCTCOG - Pilot Test Use of INVEST for Long-Range Planning: North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) serves as the council of governments for a 16-county region centered on Dallas and Fort Worth. NCTCOG, one of the agencies that pilot tested INVEST, assessed its adopted long-range transportation plan (LRTP), Mobility 2035, using the INVEST System Planning module.

Scoring Sources

The program is considered to have met this criterion if the requirements above can be reasonably substantiated through the existence of one or more of the following documentation sources (or equal where not available):

  1. Adopted state or metropolitan transportation planning documents that incorporate multimodal and active mode projects and programs. 
  2. Documnetation of regular public health and active mode stakeholder engagement, and the incorporation of their feedback into transportation planning documents. Documentation may include technical advisory committee membership rosters, meeting agendas and minutes, and interview summaries, among others.  
  3. A programming and prioritization evaluation framework that demonstrates the prioritization of multimodal and active mode projects and programs.  
  4. The results of transportation plan evaluations that estimate the public health impacts of the proposed transportation projects and programs. 
  5. Progress reports and analyses of the agency’s progress at meeting its multimodal and public health goals.