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Version 1.3

Operations and Maintenance

The Operations & Maintenance (OM) module includes fourteen criteria including four aimed at internal operations and ten focused on maintenance and operations of the highway system. This section includes all of the criteria for evaluating sustainability within an Agency's operations and maintenance program. Using this section, you can:

  • Review all criteria included in the Operations and Maintenance module; 
  • Download individual criterion write-ups (when browsing specific criteria); and
  • View the Case Studies and Criterion Examples specific to each criterion (a feature only available online, not within the PDF.)

Visit the INVEST 1.3 Library to download the OM Compendium (all criteria within the OM module.)

OM-01 Internal Sustainability Plan
Focus on sustainability improvements within the agency’s internal operations that affect all three principles of the triple bottom line.

OM-02 Electrical Energy Efficiency and Use
Reduce the consumption of fossil fuels during operation and maintenance of agency owned and/or operated facilities through improvements in efficiency and the use and/or generation of renewable energy sources.

OM-03 Vehicle Fuel Efficiency and Use
Reduce fossil fuel use and emissions in vehicles used for operations and maintenance.

OM-04 Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Create and pursue a formal recycling and reuse plan for agency operated facilities and maintenance activities.

OM-05 Safety Management
Maximize the safety of the existing roadway network through a systematic and comprehensive review of safety data and the allocation of resources in planning and programming to support safety in operations and maintenance.

OM-06 Environmental Commitments Tracking System
Ensure that environmental commitments made during project development related to operations and maintenance are documented, tracked, and fulfilled.

OM-07 Pavement Management System
Leverage a pavement management system to balance activities that extend the life and function of pavements with impacts to the human and natural environment.

OM-08 Bridge Management System
Leverage a bridge management system (BMS) to balance activities that extend the life and function of bridges with impacts to the human and natural environment.

OM-09 Maintenance Management System
Leverage a Maintenance Management System (MMS) to inventory, assess, analyze, plan, program, implement, and monitor maintenance activities to effectively and efficiently extend the life of the system, improve the service, and reduce the impacts to the human and natural environment.

OM-10 Highway Infrastructure Preservation and Maintenance
Make highway infrastructure (paved roadway surfaces, bridges, tunnels, roadsides, and their appurtenance facilities) last longer and perform better by undertaking preservation and routine maintenance on them.

OM-11 Traffic Control Infrastructure Maintenance
Increase safety and operational efficiency by maintaining roadway traffic controls.

OM-12 Road Weather Management Program
Plan, implement, and monitor a road weather management program (including snow and ice control) to reduce environmental impacts with continued or better level of service.

OM-13 Transportation Management and Operations
Maximize the utility of the existing roadway network through use of technology and management of operations strategies.

OM-14 Work Zone Traffic Control
Plan, implement, and monitor Work Zone Traffic Control (WZTC) methods that maximize safety of workers and system users with continued or better level of service.