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Version 1.3

History of INVEST

INVEST Version 1.3 is the result of a collaborative response to user comments that began in 2017.

INVEST Version 1.3 is the result of a collaborative response to user comments. To develop the original Beta Version of INVEST (2010), research and analysis of sustainability best practices in the transportation field were used to identify and write criteria. The original Beta Version criteria, were reviewed, modified, and vetted through valuable stakeholder feedback - including state and local transportation agency officials and staff, professional organizations such as AASHTO and ASCE, and Beta Version project teams. After revisions based on feedback, the Pilot Test Version was released for testing and evaluation across a broad spectrum of agencies, projects, programs and geographies.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) launched INVEST 1.0 in October 2012 with a national webcast, including remarks from the Deputy Administrator and video footage of INVEST in action. INVEST Version 1.0 reflected substantial revisions made to the criteria and web-based tool based on the pilot testing.

Upon the release of INVEST 1.0, FHWA solicited partnerships from DOTs, MPOs, Federal Lands, and local governments who chose to use INVEST 1.0 to assess and enhance the sustainability of their projects and programs. INVEST Versions 1.1 (released January 2015) and 1.2 (released September 2015) include revisions to INVEST based on extensive feedback received from these partnerships. Summaries of the Revisions made in INVEST Version 1.1 are summarized here and Version 1.2 are summarized here. Finally, on Earth Day 2018 Version 1.3 was launched and is summarized here.